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This evaluation additionally found that African American students were more likely to birth control rod discount mircette 15mcg with visa adhere to rape myths than Anglo students birth control pills rectangle shape order 15mcg mircette fast delivery. The findings counsel that Anglo females are the least likely to took birth control pill 6 hours late cheap 15 mcg mircette fast delivery adhere to rape myths birth control quiz purchase mircette 15mcg without prescription, followed by African American females, Anglo males, and African American males, respectively. Measures Time Points of Measurement: Perpetration: Not measured Time Points of Measurement: Other Measures: Time Points of Measurement: Results At pretest, students from two-parent properties were more likely to adhere to rape myths than students from singleparent properties. Victimization: Perpetration: Other Measures: Attendance/Treatment Completion: Not reported Other: Study Quality Major Weaknesses: Study: - Students were informed they were part of a examine to evaluate rape-awareness program and that there were experimental and control teams - might have introduced bias -Short observe-up interval - Survey has no norms, etc. Population Type: Undergraduate psychology students Population Characteristics: Age: between 18 and 22 years Sex: 122 males = 50% 123 females = 50% Education: Undergraduate students - no additional info Race/Ethnicity: Not reported Sampling Frame Size: Not reported Sexually Active: Not reported Victimization: Not reported Criminal History: Not reported Other. N = Not reported Comparison Group Type(s): Control group acquired and completed publish-take a look at measures and observe-up phone enchantment identical to these administered to the treatment individuals instantly upon arriving at the classroom. N = Not reported Intervention Year: 1995 Article Number: 038 Setting: Campus classroom in teams of aprx 25 Duration: One-hour Theory/Model: Replicated Gilbert et al. Delivery Mode: A man and a girl delivered the intervention to all individuals and carefully followed a transcript of the intervention to be sure that it was administered equivalently cross teams. Consisted of arguments in favor of rejecting interpersonal violence, rape myths, adversarial sexual beliefs, and male dominance. Thought favorability was promoted by stressing the negative intrapsychic and social consequences of accepting interpersonal violence, rape myths, adverse sexual beliefs, and male dominance. Culturally Specific: Not reported E-111 this document is a research report submitted to the U. There was no vital major effect for traditionality indicating that the intervention can be as efficient with traditional as with much less traditional individuals. Expanded on previous examine (Gilbert et al, 1991) by adapting for coed viewers Major Weaknesses: Study: 1. No control variables in evaluation E-112 this document is a research report submitted to the U. Students might take part in these programs, or help organize or promote them or both. Willingness to take heed to the enchantment, statements supportive of the project, and variety of hours volunteered served as dependent variables. Victimization: Perpetration: Other Measures: Attendance/Treatment Completion: Not reported Other: Study Quality E-113 this document is a research report submitted to the U. Author/s: Smith and Welchans Title: Peer Education: Does Focusing on Male Responsibility Change Sexual Assault Attitudes? Population and Setting Location: High school in a suburb of Detroit; the neighborhood covers nearly 36 square miles and has a population of barely more than 100, 000. Study Eligibility Criteria: High school students in grades 10 to 12; volunteered to take part Population Type: High school students in grades 10 to 12 Population Characteristics: Age: Not reported. Therefore, enhancing rape attitudes of males ought to decrease the frequency of sexual assault committed. Delivery Mode: Presentation Curriculum/Content: First Step Peer Education Project: objective was to develop a sexual assault prevention program directed at men to decrease the acceptance of rape myths and in the end decrease the prevalence of sexual assault. Information on sexual assault, danger discount, rape culture, sexual assault legislation, and tips on how to help a pal who has been assaulted. An emphasis on male accountability in preventing sexual assault was included in each presentation. Program Implementer: A team of one male and one female peer educator facilitated each class presentation. Trained highschool students recruited by employees from the scholar council and a peer mediation class. These students were chosen as a result of they were believed to be constructive role fashions in the school and had acquired prior coaching in empathy and listening abilities. Criteria for choice to be a peer educator included demonstrated enthusiasm for the project, concern about sexual assault E-114 this document is a research report submitted to the U. Population and Setting Study Design and Sample Intervention issues, public talking and communication abilities, and leadership skills. They acquired 15 hours of coaching from a local sexual assault prevention and treatment agency.

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The males who were to be recruited as no-publicity management subjects were randomly selected from the pool of eligible males first; the remaining subjects were then randomly assigned to the intervention situations and referred to as birth control cancer order 15 mcg mircette amex. Subjects were advised birth control pills versus iud discount 15mcg mircette overnight delivery, when contacted by phone to solicit their participation birth control ring side effects generic 15 mcg mircette with mastercard, that they were being requested to participate in 2 totally different research birth control pills pregnancy generic mircette 15 mcg with amex. Dissonance Theory and Attribution Theory - persons are motivated to achieve some extent of consistency between their attitudes and behaviors. Also, offering viewers with a set of critical skills to consider sexual violence in mass communications may be essential in modifying reactions to these depictions. Delivery Mode: Video, essay-writing, discussion Incentives: Participants were offered $30. The first two segments were sex-education and rape-education supplies used by Intons-Peterson et al. Both segments confirmed a person and a girl discussing misconceptions about sexual relationships. The first section covered social pressure to engage in sex, cultural messages and myths about sexual performance that are E-164 this doc is a analysis report submitted to the U. Population and Setting Study Design and Sample Post-check and Follow-up Sample Sizes (and Participation Rates): 44 (forty eight-four)(participation rate= eighty three%) Time Points of Data Collection: Pretest: the media consumption questionnaire was administered at the beginning of the term as part of a category requirement; the angle and conduct questionnaires were administered later in the middle of the term but a number of weeks previous to the intervention and was launched as separate examine. Post-check: Two weeks after participation in the intervention, all subjects participated in a publish-check dependent measure session by which they were led to consider it was a separate examine. Methods/Setting of Data Collection: Pretest questionnaires were administered to college students in the introductory communications courses at the beginning of the term (mass media consumption) after which a few weeks later (angle and conduct questionnaire). Only these subjects that accomplished both the media consumption and angle questionnaire were contacted by phone for participation in the examine (with out mention of the pretest). Intervention occurred (no knowledge assortment) after which phase 2 (publish-check), was presented as separate examine. Survey devices were accomplished instantly following the publish-check movie clips and mock rape trial were proven. Setting: Not reported Intervention complicated, slang phrases, stereotypes, gender roles. The second section included the pair raising questions about rape and disputing rape myths and pointing out the results for both perpetrator and sufferer, prevalence information, causes for not reporting rape, characteristics of acquaintance rape, and ages of rape victims. Special attention was devoted to reactions of adolescents and their parents to these films. Subjects were requested to write essays in regards to the "myths about sexual violence" that they observed in the video and utilizing question prompts devised to encourage subjects to make the most of critical-viewing skills of their analyses of and comments on media. The subjects then watched the playback and engaged in discussion after which evaluated how useful they felt their videotaped essays would be as a excessive-faculty mediaeducation video. Subjects were instructed to write essays critically evaluating television as an entertainment medium. Phase 2 (publish-check) - Subjects seen clips from three commercially launched R-rated slasher films in groups of seven to 20. Subjects then seen a videotaped mock rape trial E-165 Population and Setting this doc is a analysis report submitted to the U. Study Design and Sample Intervention that was described as a regionally produced documentary movie being evaluated in the department. At the top of this session, the aim of the examine was explained; A videotaped interview by which the desensitization effect arising from publicity to slasher films was once more discussed. The addition of the intervention variable resulted in a nonsignificant increment; so did the addition of the interplay term. However, little difference Study Quality Quality Score: Total: 47/eighty five (55%) Description: 14/25 (56%) Design: 33/60 (55%) Major Strengths: Study: Examines effect of viewing violence in the media as a think about sexual violence perpetration. Innovative strategy to intervention - cognitive consistency: incorporates writing essays and viewing oneself (or others) reading these essays. Article: Discuss analysis apprehension and social desirability as a factor in the results. Major Weaknesses: Study: - Weak description of measures - Small pattern dimension E-166 this doc is a analysis report submitted to the U. Time Points of Measurement: publish-check Critical Viewing Items tapped concepts such as how plausible the violence in the clips was, how much the themes recognized with and revered the perpetrators in the clips, to what extent sound and special results were used for dramatic functions in the clips, and to what diploma subjects acknowledged uses of stereotyping or persuasion in clips.

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